In various situations, ENCOMA have implemented the cloud solution AP Essentials at Basware customers to receive and handle supplier invoices in interaction with their Workflow.
Regardless of format, requested invoice information is captured and validated in close interaction with the invoice workflow from Basware.
In Q1 2023 ENCOMA implemented the solution for a large international Danish manufacturing company, who is currently handling 35.000 invoices per year including handling of line items in 8 European subsidiaries. In a later phase, the number of invoices and subsidiaries is expected to be doubled.
AP Essentials offers several beneficial functions: - Efficient handling of deviations - Split function when receiving multiple invoices in one pdf - Validation rules ensure high quality before the approval process - Analysis BI tool to uncover bottlenecks - Excel Extension can import all information’s from the customers database - AI functionality ensures the highest degree of interpretation on the market for capture solutions
AP Essentials is a public cloud solution that is updated monthly with new features. Every quarter ENCOMA offers free webinars to ensure an optimal use.
If you want further information about the customer case or how Basware and AP Essentials are integrated, please ENCOMA