ReadSoft Invoices Collector
This section lists enhancements and bug fixes introduced to the product in Kofax ReadSoft Collector
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What is Kofax ReadSoft Collector?
Kofax ReadSoft Collector is an extension to your existing installation of Kofax ReadSoft Invoices production system. ReadSoft Collector allows you to use incoming email as the source for your data capture.
It is also possible to process any XML invoices (whether the invoice is in standard format or any other format). The advantage of using ReadSoft Collector is that emailed data and XML invoices are processed automatically in the same way as paper invoices. The data is processed by ReadSoft Invoices production modules, allowing you to handle every type of data the same way, applying the same business rules, and transferring the data to your host system in the same way.
ReadSoft Collector helps you to reduce the complexity of your data capture system.
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To access the Kofax Knowledge Base, go to the Kofax website and select Support on the home page. Note The Kofax Knowledge Base is optimized for use with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
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Kofax ReadSoft Collector Release Notes
• Access to Kofax support commitments, lifecycle policies, electronic fulfillment details, and self-service tools. Scroll to the General Support section, click Support Details, and then select the appropriate tab.
About this release
The release notes give you information about Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5.0. Please read this document carefully, as it may contain information not included in other product documentation. This installation package contains a full version of the Kofax ReadSoft Collector software and associated documentation. To use the software no special license activation is required.
The modification of any file in this software application by anything other than ReadSoft Collector's configuration tools may negatively affect the functionality of the program. Such modification may cause errors and other issues that are not covered by your support and maintenance agreement (if any), and may cause any warranties to be reduced or become null and void.
Version information
The build number for Kofax ReadSoft Collector is 6.50.21061.1110.
System requirements
Detailed system requirements for the computers connected with this product are found in Kofax ReadSoft Collector Installation and Quick Start Guide. Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5 works with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.8 SP2 or higher.
Required database version
The database needs to be upgraded using the Kofax ReadSoft Collector Database Maintenance Tool if the database version changes from one ReadSoft Collector version to the next.
• Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5 - DB version
Note Database must be upgraded when upgrading from ReadSoft Collector 6.4 Hotfix 1 or earlier. If you want to use a ReadSoft Collector database that was created in a version prior to ReadSoft Collector 6.4, we recommend manually running the script, CleanUpXFields.sql (found in the in the folder \ReadSoft\COLLECTOR\DBScripts\Maintenance where Collector is installed), either before or after upgrading the database to remove any orphaned XField fields that may make the removal of XML
invoice definitions from the system impossible.
New features
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• While processing an email using the EWS input source, if a faulty attachment was detected, incorrect attachments were moved to the error folder instead of the error attachment.
• Group mail address was not supported when you changed the Limilabs API to support OAuth.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
An email remained in the 'Working' folder and was not processed when the application was unable to fetch the sender details. (26200718, TFS-100314)
Note Due to the SDK changes made to Atalasoft, ReadSoft Collector supports ReadSoft Invoices and higher.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• You can encrypt the database name and username in collector.ini
New flags, UseEncryptedDB and EncryptedDatabase have been added. Add these flags under the [General] section in collector.ini.
• You can add Collector email folder to the job description. A new option has been added to the Email settings tab to select the email folder.
• You can process the ZURGFeRD file larger than 64 KB.)
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• It is now possible to connect to Gmail using OAuth with IMAP in Collector.
• Now, all the OAuth input sources such as Gmail, Office 365, and EWS have been added as a separate list under source type OAuth.
• It is now possible to process email in order when using EWS and Office365.
Resolved an issue where newly created file name will include part of original file name by mistake, if there is extra dot included.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• It is now possible to configure Microsoft Office 365 and EWS with Oauth as input sources.
• Support has been added for XSLT 2.0
• Support has been added for the ZUGFeRD 2.0 XML standard.
• Support has been added for invoices in XML.p7m format.
• Previously, if ReadSoft Collector maintenance was not performed frequently, the size of the database potentially grew large enough to cause connection time or command timeout errors, and the sync operation would fail as a result. This has been redesigned and a "Run maintenance" button has been added so that both sync and delete are performed with a single click. (63972)
• Database maintenance has been simplified with a “Run maintenance” button. (54825)
Changes in behaviour
Previously, help files were installed separately in CHM format on each computer where ReadSoft Collector was installed, and context-sensitive help calls were done locally. The help is now located on an online Kofax documentation server to which context-sensitive help calls are directed when you click a help button or press F1 in the program. In this case, Internet access is necessary.
Note Contest sensitive help is available when ReadSoft Collector or higher is installed with ReadSoft Invoices 6.0.3 or higher.
Offline documentation
If the system where ReadSoft Invoices is installed does not have Internet access, offline documentation can be downloaded from the Kofax Electronic Fulfillment (KEF) site: WebUserIdentity/Account/Login.
The offline documentation package includes help in the following languages:
• English (EN)
• French (FR)
• German (DE)
• Spanish (ES)
Note The offline documentation package must be extracted to the correct location on the workstation to be able to get context sensitive information when you press F1 or a help button in the program. Create a folder called Documentation under the Global path folder, download the documentation package (ReadSoftCollectorDocumentation-6.5.0_<language code>.zip), and extract the contents there.
Resolved an issue in which the image layout was not correct on the image created for XML invoices. Lines overlapped at the end of the page. (64853)
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• It is now possible to add a custom value when importing XML invoices.
• It is easier now to maintain ReadSoft Collector DB using “Run Maintenance”.
• It is now possible to connect Microsoft Cloud resources (Office 365) using Microsoft Graph REST API.
Bug fixes
• Resolved an issue using EWS in which PDF files were interpreted multiple times if an .eml file was included as an attachment in the same email.
• Resolved an issue in which the output dimensions for the PDF body in Collector were incorrect for a sample PDF
• Resolved an issue in which emails were processed out of order.
• Resolved an issue in which it took considerable time to show the supplier list in the XML mapper.
• Resolved an issue where attachment folder info was not updated in the log.
• Resolved an issue in which only one of multiple emails that had an attachment with the same name could be processed if SaveMailContentToFile=1.
• Resolved an issue in which the latest XML definitions could not be selected during import if there were more definitions than could fit on the current screen.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• Email from specific senders or entire domains can now be blocked.
• Using XSL now works with a child node if there is a namespace.
• PDFSharp has been replaced by Atalasoft for PDF creation.
• Support has been added for Microsoft SQL 2017.
• It is now possible to separate email attachments into multiple invoices if the invoices are separated by blank pages.
• TLS 1.2 has been added as a SecurityProtocolType option for Exchange server communication in the [General] section of Collector.ini.
• Supplier numbers are no longer duplicated when using SmartXML.
• The Finvoices 3.0 XML profile is now supported.
• The perceptive doc filter has been upgraded to version
• It is now possible to use different images for XML invoices depending on the situation (that is, embedded, from email, or newly created automatically).
• It is now possible to process XML invoices even though they contain text/XML embedded as a file.
• It is now possible to use a value outside of line items as a condition to be able to extract them.
Bug fixes
• Emails with broken PDFs are now moved to the error folder instead of causing Interpret to fail.
• Resolved an issue in which it was not possible to filter fields in the XML Mapper.
• Resolved an issue in XML maintenance, in which XML invoices with "invoice object missing" status could not be deleted.
• Resolved an issue where changes to an XML definition in the XML mapper affected all XML invoices belonging to the parent XML profile.
• Resolved an issue where it was not possible to process digitally signed emails using EWS.
• Resolved an issue in which the job name was not updated after rerouting an XML invoice to another profile.
INI file changes
This section lists the changes that apply to COLLECTOR.INI:
• SaveMailContentToFile has been added to the [Settings] section
• SaveMailContentFilePath has been added to the [Settings] section
• SecurityProtocolType has been added to the [General] section
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• The OAuth 2.0 protocol is now supported for Exchange Online Web Services.
• It is now possible to have all pages in an invoice be numbered using AllPagesAreInvoicePagesInterpret in connection with Collector.
• Emails with broken PDFs are now moved to the error folder instead of causing Interpret to fail.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• It is now possible to filter fields in the XML Mapper.
• It is now possible to work with child nodes when using XSL and there is a namespace.
Bug fixes
• Resolved an issue in XML maintenance, in which XML invoices with “invoice object missing” status could not be deleted.
• Resolved an issue in which the AllPagesAreInvoicePagesInterpret setting was overridden in Kofax ReadSoft Collector.
• Resolved an issue where changes to an XML definition in the XML mapper affected all XML invoices belonging to the parent XML profile.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector
• It is now possible to save images with landscape layout when using SmartXML. This is accomplished using the new ColumnsLimitForLandscapeLayout flag in the [General] section in Collector.ini. Nine is the default setting, and it means that XML invoices with more than nine columns are displayed in landscape layout. Note that this does not work for ZUGFeRD XML invoices.
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 is now supported for use with Kofax ReadSoft Collector.
• The installer has been upgraded to WIX.
• It is now possible to stop emails with large attachments.
• Logging has been enhanced to allow support personnel a better opportunity to identify the problem.
Changes in behaviour
• Advanced rules can no longer be imported in the XML mapper.
Main business functionality
Process XML invoices
Invoices in the form of XML files can be collected by Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5 (by email or directly from a file folder) and processed in connection with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.8 SP2 or later. The following XML standards are supported specifically:
• Swefaktura
• Finvoice
• E2B
• ebInterface
• Facturae
• Fattura
However, even invoices that do not use a supported standard or one that use incorrect standard can still be processed by teaching the system what to look for using the XML mapper in Optimize.
Process invoices received by email
ReadSoft Collector allows you to use incoming email as the source for data capture. All attachments from the received invoices that match configured criteria are handed over to the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices system for interpretation and further processing.
Mail protocols
ReadSoft Collector makes it possible to connect and retrieve email and attachments from mail servers that support these standard messaging protocols:
• MAPI or Messaging Application Program Interface (example: Microsoft Exchange Server)
• IMAP or Internet Message Access Protocol (example: Lotus Notes)
• EWS or Exchange Web Services (example: EWS Managed API works with all versions of Microsoft Exchange Server starting with Exchange 2007 SP1)
• EWS with OAuth 2.0
It has not been possible to certify or guarantee all possible MAPI or IMAP configurations in connection with all available mail servers. However, these mail servers have been tested successfully:
• Microsoft Exchange 2010 (MAPI and 64-bit clients are not supported-use IMAP in that case instead)
• Microsoft Exchange 2013 (as of HF8)
• Gmail
• Lotus Notes Domino Server
• Office 365 (Use IMAP or EWS. This off-premise solution is dependent upon an internet connection and performance is not guaranteed)
Input source
ReadSoft Collector can configure and use different input sources, you can define which email profile (MAPI) or which server and account (IMAP) must be used to retrieve emails. Different jobs in ReadSoft Invoices can be connected to different input sources, making it possible to simultaneously retrieve email from different mail servers or different profiles. Input sources can also be configured to retrieve XML invoices direct from a file folder.
Old email file format
For backward compatibility, ReadSoft Collector supports the reading of files from the file folder in the format used by the old EMAIL solution. However, this is not the ecommended way to import data into the system, but it may be the only choice for some solutions, such as an integration with HP MFP.
Filter supported file attachments based on file extension
ReadSoft Collector can provide preliminary filtering of email attachments based on the file extension. By listing attachment extensions in the Accepted or Ignored lists, you can let the system know which types of attachments to process as valid documents (for example, PDF, TIFF, PNG, XML, and so on) and which ones to ignore (for example, TXT, LOG, HTML, etc.)
Configuration and administration
Database Maintenance tool
Kofax ReadSoft Collector has a database maintenance tool that is installed as part of the solution to help administrators perform basic configuration tasks such as creating and maintaining the configuration database.
ReadSoft Collector configuration
ReadSoft Collector general settings, such as the location of attachment folders, and the administration of input sources and logging settings can be configured using a special ReadSoft Collector configuration wizard. The wizard is accessible from the Plugins menu in Kofax ReadSoft Invoices Manager module, as well as from the Interpret Job settings.
ReadSoft Invoices job configuration
ReadSoft Invoices Interpret jobs can be configured to use ReadSoft Collector by selecting ReadSoft Collector in the Data source extension field on the Source page of the dialog. All job-specific parameters, such as whether to treat attachments as one document, which attachment-file extensions to accept or reject, which user-defined variables to initialize, and whether to rename received mail attachments before passing them to ReadSoft Invoices are defined here in subsequent dialogs.
Create custom plug-ins for Kofax ReadSoft Collector
Kofax ReadSoft Collector's functionality can be enhanced with the help of custom plug-ins. There are at least six main scenarios in which customization may be required.
• The conversion of file attachments from a non-supported file format (Word or Excel, for examples) to another supported format (such as PDF).
• The preliminary validation of file attachments (for example, to see whether the received PDF files are in a format that is supported by Kofax ReadSoft Invoices).
• The sorting of file attachments and the rerouting of certain files to other systems (for example, workflows or archiving solutions) instead of sending all files to ReadSoft Invoices.
• The extraction of additional data from email and / or file attachments to pass to ReadSoft Invoices (initializing UDVs, Queues, Buyers, etc.).
• The handling of signed and / or encrypted emails.
• The replacement of the standard auto-generated invoice image from XML data with either a custom generated image or the one received from the supplier.
There is no built-in support for these tasks in ReadSoft Collector itself. However, there is an infrastructure in place that allows ReadSoft Professional Services and ReadSoft Partners to build separate custom plug-ins using required business logic. In simple terms, ReadSoft Collector configuration tools provide activation mechanisms that make it possible to easily configure these plug-ins and incorporate them into the ReadSoft Collector flow.
Note For plug-ins that were used with ReadSoft Collector 6.2 to work with Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5, references must be updated and the plug-ins must be recompiled.
Installation and upgrade
The installation package for Kofax ReadSoft Collector must be downloaded from the Kofax ReadSoft Customer Portal.
Note The latest hotfix should always be used with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices.
The installation program performs all required deployment actions.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector does not require any special license key and can be installed on any Kofax ReadSoft Invoices system that meets the system requirements.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector 6.5 can only be used with Kofax ReadSoft Invoices 5.8 SP2 or higher.
Kofax ReadSoft Collector is available in the same languages as Kofax ReadSoft Invoices.
Note The language setting in eilocal.ini must be specified to the desired language for ReadSoft Collector to display the strings in that language.
The following Kofax ReadSoft Collector documentation artifacts are available in English only.
• Kofax ReadSoft Collector Installation and Quick Start Guide provides complete instructions on how to install and configure the ReadSoft Collector product.
• Kofax ReadSoft Collector Help assists users with the key tasks such as how to configure and use the product.
• Kofax ReadSoft Collector Database Maintenance Tool Help assists the system administrator in specific tasks of creating and maintaining ReadSoft Collector databases.
• Writing and Using plug-ins in ReadSoft Collector provides an overview of the customization capabilities of the ReadSoft Collector product and a detailed description of the programming interfaces.
• ReadSoft Collector help is also available in French, German, and Spanish.
System requirements and general limitations are listed in Kofax ReadSoft Collector Installation and Quick Start Guide.
• Functionality related to using the email's HTML body text as an appendix to the invoice does not work in connection with input sources that use the old IMAP input protocol(that is, nsoftware). However, it has been fully implemented for other protocols and IMAP using Limilabs (recommended).
• Silent upgrade does not work with Kofax ReadSoft Collector. A two-step workaround is to use silent uninstall and then silent install.
• Encrypted and digitally signed emails are not supported by the current release.
• Microsoft SQL Server is required to store ReadSoft Collector configurations. Oracle is not supported.
• Input-source names cannot include the apostrophe (') character.
• Multi-page PDF or TIFF documents containing several invoices in one file separated by
bar-codes are not supported by default. However, you can save to disk using the plug-in,
• When using the SaveEmailAttachmentsToDiskOnlyPlugin.dll plugin to save attachments to disk together with PDF that contain ZUGFerd-XML, the plug-in moves the XML attachments and leaves the PDFs. As a result, the XML files are imported without the original files (PDFs').
• Kofax ReadSoft Invoices Interpret module must be run under the domain user account in order to use MAPI protocol.
• The Outlook integration feature cannot provide a valid link to the erroneous email in an email error log message if Interpret is run as a service. In addition, for the links to work, both emails need to be opened on the same computer where interpretation was performed.
• ReadSoft Collector cannot simultaneously receive emails from two different jobs connected to two different MAPI profiles. If more than one job needs to be configured and run at the same time, the MAPI input sources must use the same MAPI Profile.
• When configuring a MAPI input configuration in ReadSoft Collector, you must log in to the computer with the default profile that receives the incoming email in the mail application on the computer. Domain or local administrator rights are not sufficient to configure the input source.
• Using MAPI when running Interpret as a service is not recommended. If used, only one instance of the Interpret module can be run at a time. In addition, you cannot have two instances running on separate machines either when running Interpret as a service since there is no way to keep the interpretation engine from running a MAPI job, and MAPI jobs cannot be run at the same time. If you need or want to
use multiple instances of Interpret, use IMAP.
These settings may be suitable in a system where multiple Interpret instances are used in connection with IMAP (For more information, refer to the INI-file help). The default value for all three settings is 0 when using a single instance of Interpret per input source
• SystemWideMutexTimeout = 120
This setting serves to synchronize Interpret instances in terms of email server access. Synchronization is on the Input source level, meaning that only one Interpret instance can access the input folder for an input source at any given time.
• MoveEmailTimeOut = 120
This setting is meant to reduce the number of times when an Interpret instance terminates before it has completed processing an invoice. Once the specified amount of time has elapsed, any Interpret instance can take an invoice for processing. As a result, this setting should be set to a time span that is greater than the maximum time needed to process a mail in the system.
• EmailProcessingTimeout = 300
To keep invoices from being reprocessed, this setting determines the amount of time all Interpret instances consider an email to be quarantined after it has been completely processed (when all Interpret instances view it as having been moved to the processed or error folder). Timeout values are all specified in seconds. Note When you test the system before going system wide with multiple Interpret instances per input source, it could be advantageous to use the default settings during testing so that you do not have to wait for mails to timeout before you can reprocess them (since the timeouts are immediate, the default setting is 0).
• The maximum path length when saving an attachment from an email is 260 characters. This limit is imposed by the operating system. For more information, refer archive/2007/02/13/long-paths-in-net-part-1-of-3-kim-hamilton.aspx .
• Batch mode is not supported in connection with XML invoices.
Known issues
There are a number of known issues in the system. The development team is working to resolve them.
• #3091: Simultaneous adjustment of the job configuration from Manager and Interpret modules may generate an error message. Workaround: Avoid adjusting the same job using two Kofax ReadSoft Invoices modules at the same time.
• #3184: Importing files in the old EMAIL format may cause a looping effect if an invoice references two or more image files with the same file name. Workaround: Avoid using the same file name for different images belonging to one invoice (old EMAIL format).
• When running multiple Interpret instances, deadlocks may be seen in the SQL Server Profiler. They are consequently reported in logs on the debug level, as well, but this does not affect the functionality of the product.
• Fields that have been added can be removed, but deleting fields from the Layouts tab of the XML Maintenance dialog is not generally recommended. The layout is a superset of all fields that are included in at least one XML profile. If a field has been deleted and an XML invoice is processed from which the field should be extracted, the invoice will end up in the Error folder. If this happens, the field must be added to the layout again in the correct field group (For more information, refer Kofax ReadSoft Collector error log ), and the XML file must be rerun.
• Using single quotation marks in the name of an input source results in an endless loop. To avoid this, only use letters and numbers in the names of input sources. (11919)